
Sunday, September 10, 2006

BILL SICS LEGAL EAGLES ON ABC By PHILIP RECCHIA and JENNIFER FERMINO - New York Post Online Edition: News: "Clinton's wrath comes amid new revelations that the Toronto set of the fictionalized flick was plagued by actors' concerns that the script was playing fast and loose with the truth, sources told The Post. "

Don't you just love it? Hey, Bill. When did truth every matter to you? Maybe it only matters when someone is telling the truth about you, eh? By the way, did you ever call Michael Moore about his documentaries? Or do lies not count if they are about somebody else?

"We roar all like bears, and mourn sore like doves: we look for judgment, but there is none; for salvation, but it is far off from us." [Is. 59:11]

Very up-to-date verse. People either are whining like doves or roaring like bears. Unbelief cannot make up its mind whether or not to play the victim or bully, so it does both--sometimes at the same time. Is. 59:11 fits the Clinton's to a "T." Such whiners and bullies we have seldom seen.

But the show is worth the ticket.


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