
Friday, October 24, 2003

One of the greatest things in the life of a Gospel minister is the discipling of new Christians. Tonight I met with two young students from the Air Force Academy. It is a joy to see them looking deeply into the hard things of the human condition and see their hearts open to the comfort of faith. They are facing the same hard questions that people have been facing throughout the Christian era: the reality and purpose of evil; the assurance of faith; the reason for the creation of the devil; and other such things.

What a wonderful tool for evangelism is the Heidelberg Catechism! This wonderful little summary of the Gospel has been used by millions of Christians since the Reformation to inform and instruct people in the comforts of the Christian faith. A copy of the Heidelberg Catechism may be found at the following link. When the link opens, click on the "standards" button at the top of the page. Reformed Church in the United States


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